Are you the owner of a project generating carbon credits?

Whether your project is certified or in the process of being so, Carby can help you in many ways.

Build an engaged community

Carby provides you with free and simple tools.


Create online meetups to share information about your project.

Let community members ask you live questions.

Project blog

Post articles and news and let users subscribe to your project feed.


Encourage engagement by communicating with users who are interested in your project.

Appointment booking

Manage your availability and let members book open time slots to make an appointment and ask questions about your project.

Video and image galleries

Create beautiful galleries to illustrate your project with ease and generate interest from community members.

Increase your project exposure

The ultimate carbon directory

Carby’s building the reference directory to find carbon projects.

Be sure to be listed where people can find you and get more information about your project.

Get access to Carbon Bonds

Carbon Bonds is the world’s first solution to bring institutional-grade carbon assets on chain.

Carbon Bonds create an ecosystem to fund the projects trying to save the planet.

See how.

Generate revenue more quickly

Be more attractive to traders and investors.

Make it easy to trade your future carbon credits and go further faster.